The Bias Education & Support Team (BEST) supports the College’s efforts to maintain an inclusive campus climate. BEST is not a mechanism for investigative or disciplinary action. Rather, BEST centralizes and facilitates the College’s efforts to track bias incidents, identify trends, collect aggregate data, plan campus educational responses to benefit the community, and connect individuals affected by bias incidents with support and resolution resources.
TCNJ Public Report
The College of New Jersey public report form is not monitored on a 24-hour basis. If you are witnessing or experiencing this in real-time and this is an emergency, please contact Campus Police Services at 609-771-2345 or call 9-1-1.
BEST is committed to supporting those who may have been targets of or affected by bias and educating those who have perpetrated bias. BEST works to ensure that appropriate TCNJ resources and expertise are made available to anyone who feels they have been harmed by bias. BEST seeks to assist those who feel aggrieved; to help students, faculty or staff understand how their behavior has affected others; and, over time, to contribute to the promotion of respect and understanding among members of the TCNJ community.
BEST is not an investigatory or disciplinary body. The Office of Student Conduct and Dispute Resolution, Title IX, and the Office of Human Resources is responsible for investigations and disciplinary proceedings. BEST may discuss with the reporter how to file a complaint if it appears that there may have been a violation of TCNJ’s Student Code of Conduct or a breach of College policy. It is not the role of the BEST to investigate or determine whether a reported incident occurred or if the incident involved bias or a violation of College policy. The intention is to complement and work with campus entities to connect with appropriate support and resources those who believe that they have witnessed or themselves become a target of an act of bias. Data collected from bias reports are used to develop educational and outreach programs.